Leverage your Power to Empower your Organization
It took 257 long years for women to achieve greater economic gender parity in the workplace
Worldwide there are less than 7% of female CEOs
An organization with 30% of female leaders could add up to 6% points to its net margin
Women are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 crisis
On March 8th, International Women's Day, we kicked-off POWER Up, our exclusive 5-session series for the REF community of Women Leaders designed in partnership with EY.

2021 will be a year of transformation in many ways and as Leaders of Organizations, we have a unique opportunity to unlock the power of Inclusion and diversity as an enabler of business performance, resilience, innovation and organizational health.

These sessions are a unique space of real exchange and reflection, to expand their network of impact, and to gain new leadership tools. We welcome powerful speakers from both EY leadership and REF members coming to share their personal perspectives, stories and best practices.

Session participants are REF women members, c-suite and executive team members of our members and leaders from the EY community of changemakers.

Upcoming Speakers

Hanne is EMEIA Managing Partner Markets & Accounts and a member of the firm's Operating Executive. She is responsible for leading the firm's integrated go-to-market and executing client service strategies across Europe, Middle East, India and Africa. Key focus areas include strategic alliances and acquisitions, product innovation in response to megatrends, improvement of brand and market position, among others.

CHanne is a passionate speaker on leading change, diversity & inclusiveness and client centricity in a multi-dimensional matrix organization.

Hanne Jesca – Bax
EMEIA Managing Partner, Markets & Accounts - EY
Register to POW(E)R Up Session: Elevate your Communication

In January 2017, Verónica became CEO of Ogilvy in both Mexico and Miami, the first woman to reach this position in Ogilvy Latin America. Additionally, she is also a member of their Executive Committee.

With a successful 30-year trajectory in advertising and marketing, Veronica is known as an inspiring leader for her creativity, as well as for the integration, construction and management of equally productive and motivated teams.

Verónica Hernández Aguilar
CEO Mexico & Miami - Ogilvy
Register to POW(E)R Up Session: Elevate your Communication

Kelly is EY’s US & Americas Managing Partner and US Chair, leading more than 80,000 people in 31 countries. She is also a Member of EY’s Global Executive and Global Practice Group and serves as Executive Sponsor for EY’s focus on diversity and inclusiveness.

She was listed on Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business for 3 consecutive years and Crain’s 50 Most Powerful Women in New York. She has been recognized as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader.

Kelly Grier
US Chair and Managing Partner and Americas Managing Partner - EY
Register to POWE(R) Up Session : Realize your Purpose
This series consists of 5 sessions.
In each session we will dive into an element of the POWER Up tool – sharing our experiences as leaders and taking away practical tools we can implement in our own organizations.
12 Apr 2021
Session 4: (E)levate your communication
Monday 12th April, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm GMT-5
Speakers: Hanne Jesca – Bax & Veronica Hernandez-Aguilar
How are our organizations coaching and developing women to be effective communicators? How do our organizational cultures support different opinions, experiences and appearances?
19 Apr 2021
Session 5: (R)ealize your purpose
Monday 19th April, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm GMT-5
Speakers: Kelly Grier
Does your organization have a purpose? How do you share and realize that purpose through your employees? How do you help your employees understand their personal purpose?

Key Insights on Gender Equity

Female employees receive more favorable performance ratings when their levels of innovative work behaviors are smaller compared to when their innovative work behaviors levels are larger...


This framework has been built exclusively for our community of women leaders to expand their network of impact, discover new leadership tools and exchange reflections and learnings.
Open to all REF women members, we are also inviting all of our members to register one woman from their c-suite team to benefit from the program and support them in driving these principals in their organizations.

Each participant will leave the session with:
  • Individualized action plan
  • A broadened perspective and new skills to support power-building behaviors authentically
  • Motivation and energy to implement learnings
  • Access to additional resources for continued education and focus on power-building behaviors
  • Connection with an accountability buddy to stay connected and keep learning alive

  • Retention of women
  • Engagement of women
  • Advancement of women
  • Progress toward closing the gender gap